All Koala Bracelet Profits Will Be Donated

Posted by Earth Bands on

Earth Bands have reached out and partnered with Steve Irwin Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors & Mallacoota Wildlife Shelter to help support their hospitals and resources during the devastating wildfires; destroying, homes, lives and wildlife at an alarming rate!

Being from Northern California we know first hand the fear and horrors of these global warming fire monsters and offered to help in any way we can.

We have created the AUS Koala Bracelet and 100% of the profits will be donated to help them out!

It has always been our mission to support others and now more than ever we want to send out support and love to Australia! 

Australia Zoo has over 90,000 rescue animals they are caring for currently. 

While Mallacoota Wildlife Shelter is located in the region with the most amazing wildlife, but they are also being inundated with locals bringing in many injured wildlife they can find and save.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help support Australia during this time of need. 

Remember 100% of the proceeds from these bracelets will be going to programs that are helping wildlife directly impacted by the horrors of these fires.

Australian Zoo Wildlife Warriors

The Mallacoota Wildlife Shelter

If you have any questions please email or contact us on our instagram!


Signing Off! 

- Wynter Vaughan

Instagram: wynterrvaughan










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